Do you often forget important things? Are you constantly feeling busy but not getting much done?

We’re all just human, with our strengths and weaknesses. Our brains can only handle about 3-4 tasks at a time. To remember more, the best approach is to write things down and create a reference system for yourself.

And here are 5 simple tips to do so.

Write It Down

Our brains are great at generating ideas but not so great at storing them. Whenever you have an idea, jot it down immediately. In today’s world, most of us have smartphones, so you can easily open your notes app and record your thoughts and ideas before they slip away. If writing isn’t your thing, use the voice recording feature; many note apps can even convert your voice into text.

Russian psychiatrist and psychologist Bluma W. Zeigarnik

Harness the Power of the Zeigarnik Effect

The Zeigarnik effect is a psychological phenomenon describing a tendency to remember interrupted or incomplete tasks or events more easily than tasks that have been completed. To put it in simple terms: when we have unfinished tasks, they tend to steal our attention. These tasks occupy a lot of mental energy and create what we can call “Open Loops” in our minds.

To tackle this, start by listing the tasks you need to complete and assign specific times to do them. This approach helps you close those open loops and free up your mental space.

Here’s an example: You’re working on a task, but your mind keeps wandering to all the errands you need to run during the week. To overcome this distraction, keep a piece of paper nearby where you can jot down these worries, tasks, or errands. You’ve made a promise to yourself that you’ll deal with these notes after finishing your current task, so you can work without interruptions.

Keep Journaling

Keeping a journal can serve multiple purposes, such as preserving memories and acting as a productivity tool.

It’s a good practice to jot down special moments and memories because each time we recall a memory, we tend to remember it differently. By writing it down shortly after an event or trip, we can revisit our exact feelings at that specific moment.

While photos or videos capture how we looked at a certain time, our written words provide insight into our precise emotions during that time.

Achieve Deep Focus with the Flow State

Deep work involves setting aside a specific period to concentrate on a challenging task. You put aside distractions and focus solely on something important. On the other hand, Flow is a unique mental state characterized by peak performance and intense concentration.

Allocate at least an hour each day for deep work, and train your brain to enter the flow state. This will greatly assist you in learning new things and completing difficult tasks.

Establish Effective Systems

As James Clear emphasises in his book “Atomic Habits,” your success depends on your systems, not just your goals. Implementing structured systems in your life, such as a consistent sleep schedule and well-defined morning and evening routines, provides a significant advantage in accomplishing tasks. Additionally, identify beneficial habits and track them, as measuring progress increases your chances of success.

Bonus Tip

Take advantage of your brain’s ability to adapt (neuroplasticity). Check out the linked article below to learn how you can train your brain to acquire decision-making skills.

Don’t wait any longer; start experimenting and optimising your life to reduce stress and enhance productivity instead of staying busy. Follow me for more articles on reading, productivity, learning, technology, public speaking, and navigating today’s world as a young adult.

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